Pregnancy, turning point in the life of a woman, a couple. It raises all sorts of emotions, questions, and the body changes, prepares to give birth. You want to talk about those first moments, get information or make preparations, talking about breastfeeding ...
We offer:
Meetings with a midwife: (max 12 times in the pregnancy)
You want to receive information on pregnancy, the physiology of birth, dealing with pain, positions and mobilizations that facilitate birth, initiation of breastfeeding, greeting of the newborn, returning home ...
Emotional preparation for birth (from the 20th week of pregnancy)
This preparation offers the couple to communicate emotionally with the baby by touch during the pregnancy, to prepare the couple to greet their child at birth in a conscious and loving accompaniment, and guide him to his autonomy during the first year of life.
Postpartum follow-up
Once back at home, you find yourself alone in your role as mother and father. You may still have many questions on breastfeeding or bottle preparation, care of the newborn, his room, his tears .... Contact us, we can go to your home.
Nursing Consultations
Breastfeeding difficulties, crevices, flat nipples, decreased milk production, breastfeeding twins, premature lactation, and resumption of work ....
You can request the help of a lactation consultant (info on demand). They are health professionals who specialize in nursing and clinical management and care of mother and child.
Baby Massage
The new-born loves being massaged. This reassuring touch relaxes it, containing it. Learn to massage your baby with other young mothers and / or dads.